Check if server is up
Check if server is up

check if server is up

Let's build some code to check for these registry values' existence. The server is pending a reboot if the RebootPending and RebootRequired values exist.

check if server is up

We'll do this over PowerShell Remoting, so I'm assuming it is available on your servers. Knowing these registry values, we then create the PowerShell code to check for them on a remote server.

  • The PendingFileRenameOperations value at HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager.
  • The RebootRequired value at HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update.
  • The RebootPending value at HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing.
  • There are three (or more I'm not aware of) registry values you should check to see whether a reboot is needed or not. Luckily, we can use a PowerShell script to query these registry values and return a simple True or False to indicate if one or more servers need a three-finger salute.īefore we get to the PowerShell, you need to understand where to look. The flags are spread out amongst a few different registry keys. There is no one area to look at to tell whether a Windows server needs a reboot. How to determine that isn't too clear on a Windows server. In such a case, you need to know which ones need rebooting and which ones don't.

    check if server is up

    Also, if you manage a lot of servers, you may want to schedule a maintenance window to reboot them all at once rather than as needed. Servers are serving users, and users don't like it when their services go down at any time. The solution to a needed reboot is simple: reboot it! But it's not always that simple.

    check if server is up

    There are many different reasons a server may need a reboot, like software that needs to modify something currently running, a locked file that refuses to let go without a boot, or perhaps a service that can only apply a change at boot time. In Windowsland especially, a reboot now and then is required. Unfortunately, we can't always keep our servers up 24/7.

    Check if server is up